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23 Quotes from SOCRATES that are Worth Listening To! | Life-Changing Quotes

SOCRATES QUOTES 1.''S trong minds discuss ideas,  average minds discuss events,  weak minds discuss people.'' 2.''Be kind . F or everyone you meet is fighting a hard  battle.'' 3.''He who was not contented with what he  has,  would not be contented with what he  would like to have.'' 4.''The only true wisdom is in knowing. You  know, nothing  the more I know the more I realize I know nothing.'' 5.''The unexamined life  is not worth living.'' 6.By all means marry -if you get a good wife,  you'll become happy;  if you get a bad one,  you'll become a philosopher.'' 7.''Let him who would move the world  first move himself.'' 8.''D eath may be the greatest of all human  blessings.'' 9.''The only good is knowledge  and the only evil  is ignorance.'' 10.''Preferred knowledge to wealth,  for the one is transitory,  the other perpetual.''

Excellent Quotes From Bernard Shaw About True Nature of Woman | Quotes, Aphorisms, Wise Thoughts

BERNARD SHAH QUOTES 1.Life is not about finding yourself ,life is about creating yourself. 2.H atred is the coward's revenge for being  intimidated. 3.You don't stop laughing when you grow  old, you grow old when you stop laughing.'' 4.A life spent making mistakes is not only  more honorable, but more useful than a  life spent doing nothing.'' 5.''I'm an atheist and i thank god for it.'' 6.''If you want to tell people the truth,  make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.'' 7.'' The reasonable man adapts himself to the  world: 8. ''The unreasonable one persists in  trying to adapt the world to himself.'' 9.Liberty means responsibility that is why,  most men dread it.'' 10.'' A nimals are my friends and i don't eat  my friends.'' 11.Better keep yourself clean and bright ;  you are the window through which you  must see the world.'' 12.'' Those who cannot

Jeff Bezos । 5 Minutes for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

JEFF BEZOS SPEECH  H ow they want their work life to be  and i said look  if you can get your work life  to be where you enjoy half of it  that is amazing because very few people  ever achieve  that because the truth is everything  comes with overhead that's reality  everything comes with pieces that you  don't like you could be a supreme court  justice and there's still going to be  pieces of your job you don't like  every job comes with pieces you don't  like and we need to say  that's part of it  you have to figure out how to set up  your life in such a way that you can  happens to me  when i get over scheduled  i hate being over scheduled i want some  time to be able to think and free myself  we all have the same amount of time in  the world  nobody has more time than anybody else  and when you become a very successful  person  one of the things you start to get over  scheduled  so a young person starting their career  i think  there are probably a lot of th


SUCCESS MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH   I don't care how good you are, I don't care how talented you are,  there's some times when things aren't gonna go right.  And you have to deal with it. You can experience enough pain in life  that it can clobber you to the ground  and you believe you can't do it. You believe that this is it for you.  No it's not. Don't you quit.  Don't you quit. You do make a difference.  You do make a difference. As weak as you are,  as tired as you are, as many mistakes as you've made,  you do make a difference. There is something they  would lose if you were not there. There is something they would miss  if you were not there. You do make  a difference. You don't have to force yourself  or motivate yourself to think negatively. To be depressed.  To hate somebody. To want revenge.  To wanna get back at somebody. To beat yourself up over the head.  To feel loaded with guilt. You don't have to make any effort to do that.  Your

ELON MUSK SPEECH | Find A Reason To Get Up In The Morning

ELON MUSK SPEECH   what's your mission life  why you do whatever you do  sure well first of all uh thank you  for having me  it's an honor to be here um and we're  having a really  really great time with my kids in in  dubai it's really been fantastic i  really encourage anyone who hasn't been  to to visit  uh what a great city thank you  what's your mission life  why you do whatever you do  uh sure well first of all uh thank you  for having me  it's an honor to be here um and we're  having a really  really great time with my kids in in  dubai it's really been fantastic i  really encourage anyone who hasn't been  to to visit  uh what a great city thank you  scope and scale  of human consciousness the better we are  able to ask these questions  and so i think that there are certain  things that are necessary to  ensure that the future is good  and  some of those things are in the long  term having  long-term sustainable transport and  sustainable

Elon Musk's Ultimate advice for students & college graduates | With BIG SUBTITLES

ELON MUSK ADVICE uh  so what, what advice do i have for  college graduates ? certainly i' d invite  you to  apply for a job at solar city or tesla or  space x  and if not then, if  if that doesn't work for whatever reason  then apply to jobs at other companies in  that arena or  try starting a company.  if you study engineering and and you  figure out how to design new things  um then it's relatively easy to start a  company  um you just need to get a few  like-minded people um with you. although i have to say that  the space business is quite  it's quite hard to start a  company in  the space business because it's such a   capital intensive business so  it may be better to do something in um  solar power  or if you're going to do it in cars do  it in, as kind of a  component supplier for cars or something  like that .M usk has college degrees in business and  physics  but space x is his first venture in  aerospace. H ow did you get the expertise to be the  chie