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These Words are Worth Remembering for a Lifetime | Best Quotes by Steve Jobs

BEST QUOTES BY STEVE JOBS The name of Steve Jobs is known to all contemporaries. He was able to create an entire empire when the whole world was against him. Throughout his career, Steve Jobs has suffered many losses, setbacks and betrayals. But he never gave up and fought to the end for his dream. It is with great pleasure that I present you Steve Jobs Quotes! QUOTES 1.   '' My favorite things in life don't cost any money it's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.'' 2.     ''Don't let the noise of others opinions  drown out your own inner voice.'' 3.    '' Stay hungry. stay foolish.'' 4.     ''The people who are crazy enough to think  they can change the world are the ones who do.'' 5.     ''If today were the last day of your life  would you want to do what you were about to do today.'' 6.     '' Have the courage to follow your heart  and intuition they someh