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The secret book quotes ll The Secret Book by Rhonda Byrne

THE SECRET BOOK QUOTES BY ROHNDA BYRNE "Your thoughts become things."  ROHNDA BYRNE "See the things that you want as already yours."  ROHNDA BYRNE "Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything." ROHNDA BYRNE "If you are feeling good thoughts ,it is because you are thinking good thoughts." ROHNDA BYRNE "All that reality exists is this present moment.Past and future exist only in the form of thought." ROHNDA BYRNE #One of the biggest lies our mind has convinced us of is the story that we are a body  and a mind." ROHNDA BYRNE "To die before you die means to bring an end to the mind's delusion that you are just a person." ROHNDA BYRNE "What you feel inside will precisely with what you experience in the world around you."ROHNDA BYRNE "Because you can either keep focusing on that ,or you can focus on what want."ROHNDA BYRNE "It is impossible to bring more into your life if are fee