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YOU'VE GOT TO BE HUNGRY - Best Motivational Video, Hustle Quotes


QUOTES 1. Be yourself,  everyone else is already taken. 2.''You've got to dance like there's nobody  watching,  love like you'll never be hurt,  sing like there's nobody listening  and live like it's heaven on earth. 3.''You only live once, but if you do it  right,  once is enough. 4.''Live as if you were to die tomorrow,  learn as if you were to live forever. 5.''Imperfection is beauty,  madness is genius  and it's better to be absolutely  ridiculous  than absolutely boring.'' 6.''There are only two ways to live your  life. O ne is as though nothing is a miracle. T he other is as though everything is a  miracle. 7.''Fairy tales are more than true : not because they tell us that dragons  exist,  but because they tell us that dragons  can be beaten.'' 8.''I have not failed. I 've just found ten thousand ways that  won't work.'' 9.The opposite of love is not hate,  it's ind