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What Is The Price Of Success? — Elon Musk Speech

  ELON MUSK SPEECH ON SUCCESS reating a company is almost like having a child so it's sort of like how do you say your child  should not have food so one once you have the company you have to feed it and nurse it even if  it it ruins you i think when i was i don't know five or six or something i thought i was insane  it was just strange because it was clear that other people do not  their mind wasn't exploding with ideas it was like hmm and strange  i don't think i don't think you'd necessarily want to be me  it's very hard to turn it off it's like a never ending explosion all the time  you've said that this has been the toughest year for you the most sort of taxing year for you  like why 22 hours a day or like what i mean i was just working instead seven days a week  sleeping in the factory uh i worked everywhere from the i worked in the i was in the paint shop  general assembly body shop you ever worry about yourself  implodin