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Multi-Millionaire Explains His Simple Steps to Self-Made Success

Self-Made Success Actually being successful or like moving out of our mom's basement or whatever  we put so much energy and time into the presentation  of not looking like that situation  instead of putting the energy and time into actually  finding a solution to that issue. And so at that point  it was like okay I've been putting a lot of time and effort  trying to pretend things are good  instead of actually trying to find solutions  and then, that's when I started to  do everything I needed to do to try to make money and just really...  when I say embrace it's not necessarily like  accept it for what it is it's almost like, "Okay, this is real  I need to figure this out."  Taking your surroundings you take in the people around you  you see how they're making money  and I just didn't like begging people for money.  And so I respected the guys that were like figuring out hustles  right? And so,  for instance, there was an AMACO right down the stre