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The Best Sayings of Pythagoras | Great QuotesPeerless Quotes by Jalaluddin Rumi on Love, Life and Wisdompythagoras quotes on education pythagoras quotes silence pythagoras quotes about numbers pythagoras philosophy pythagoras quotes music plato quotes pythagoras quotes leave the road pythagoras quotes about god

                    PYTHAGORAS QUOTES                     PYTHAGORAS QUOTES 1.   "As soon as you awake, in order laid the  actions to be done the coming day" 2.  "Practice justice and word indeed, and do  not get in the habit of acting thoughtlessly about anything.      . 3.   "You should make great things not  promising great things. " 4.    "It is difficult to walk at one and the  same time many paths of life." 5.    "Thought is an idea and transit, which when  once released, never can be lured back, nor the spoken word recalled nor ever can the overt act be erased." 6.   " Allow not sleep to close your eyes  before three times reflecting on your actions of the day. what deeds done well, what not, what left undone.". 7.    "There is geometry in the humming of the string." 8.     "Power is the near neighbor of necessity." 9.    " Be silent or let thy words be worth more  than silence." 10.   "Edu