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Excellent Turkish Proverbs and Sayings Worth Listening to | Quotes, Aphorisms, Wise Words

  WISE WORDS BY APHORISMS  1.   '' Not knowing is not shameful, not asking is.'' 2.     ''A weapon is an enemy even to its owner.'' 3.     ''He who starts up in anger ,sits down wit a loss.'' 4.      ''To listen to a lie is harder than to tell it.'' 5.      '' Keep the tongue in your mouth a prisoner.'' 6.       ''A  heart in love with beauty never grows old.'' 7.       ''One eats another watches that's how revolutions are  born.'' 8.         ''To live in peace one must be blind deaf, and mute.'' 9.           ''Beauty passes wisdom remains.'' 10.       '' One who handles honey , licks his finger.''' 11.         ''If your beard's on fire,  others will light their pipes on it.'' 12.         ''The fly is small, but it can upset your stomach.'' 13.        '' The highway is always