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Elon Musk's Ultimate advice for students & college graduates | With BIG SUBTITLES

ELON MUSK ADVICE uh  so what, what advice do i have for  college graduates ? certainly i' d invite  you to  apply for a job at solar city or tesla or  space x  and if not then, if  if that doesn't work for whatever reason  then apply to jobs at other companies in  that arena or  try starting a company.  if you study engineering and and you  figure out how to design new things  um then it's relatively easy to start a  company  um you just need to get a few  like-minded people um with you. although i have to say that  the space business is quite  it's quite hard to start a  company in  the space business because it's such a   capital intensive business so  it may be better to do something in um  solar power  or if you're going to do it in cars do  it in, as kind of a  component supplier for cars or something  like that .M usk has college degrees in business and  physics  but space x is his first venture in  aerospace. H ow did you get the expertise to be the  chie