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Wise Quotes From Ernest Hemingway on Betrayal, Happiness and Marriage | Aphorisms, Wise Thoughts

1.T here is no friend as loyal as a book. 2. I can't stand it to think my life is  going so fast and i'm not really living  it 3.There is nothing to writing all you do  is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.  4. Happiness in intelligent people is the  rarest thing i know. 5.You are so brave and quiet i forget you  are suffering. 6. T he most painful thing is losing  yourself in the process of loving  someone too much and forgetting that you  are special too. 7.My aim is to put down on paper what i  see and what i feel in the  best  and  simplest way. 8.The best way to find out if you can  trust somebody is to trust them. 9.Write hard and clear about what hurts. 10.There is nothing noble in being superior  to your fellow man  true nobility is being superior to your  former self. 11.Always do sober what you said you do  drunk that will teach you to keep your  mouth shut. 12.We would be together and have our books  and at night be warm in bed together  with the windows open and th