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Victor Hugo - Quotes That Amaze With Their Wisdom | Quotes, Aphorisms, Wise thoughts

Quotes by Victor Hugo Today I decided to share with my viewers quotes by Victor Hugo. Hugo was one of the greatest French writers and politicians. His quotes and aphorisms about life are full of truth and wisdom. 1.    ''Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.'' 2.    '' To put everything in balance is good ,to  put everything in harmony is better.'' 3.     '' The greatest happiness of life is the  conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather loved in spite of ourselves.'' 4.      '' It is nothing to die it is frightful not  to live.'' 5.      ''life is the flower for which love is the  honey.'' 6.       ''Not being heard is no reason for silence.'' 7.      '' There is something more terrible than ,a  hell of suffering a hell of boredom.'' 8.       ''Have courage for the great sorrows of  life and patience for the small ones.'' 9