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YOU'VE GOT TO BE HUNGRY - Best Motivational Video, Hustle Quotes

YOU'VE GOT TO BE HUNGRY - Best Motivational Video, Hustle Quotes

YOU'VE GOT TO BE HUNGRY - Best Motivational Video 1. "Hustle is not about working hard, it's about working smart." - Gary Vaynerchuk This quote by Gary Vaynerchuk perfectly captures the essence of modern hustle. It's no longer about simply putting in long hours; it's about strategically using your time and resources to achieve your goals. In today's fast-paced world, hustle is about efficiency and effectiveness, not just sheer effort. 2. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs Steve Jobs' quote emphasizes the importance of passion in the hustle. You can't expect to put in the long hours and overcome obstacles if you don't genuinely love what you're doing. Passion fuels the fire that keeps you going when times get tough, and it allows you to find joy in the process, even when the end result feels out of reach. 3. "Hustle beats talent when talent doesn't hustle." - Ross Simonson Th