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Excellent Quotes From Bernard Shaw About True Nature of Woman | Quotes, Aphorisms, Wise Thoughts

BERNARD SHAH QUOTES 1.Life is not about finding yourself ,life is about creating yourself. 2.H atred is the coward's revenge for being  intimidated. 3.You don't stop laughing when you grow  old, you grow old when you stop laughing.'' 4.A life spent making mistakes is not only  more honorable, but more useful than a  life spent doing nothing.'' 5.''I'm an atheist and i thank god for it.'' 6.''If you want to tell people the truth,  make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.'' 7.'' The reasonable man adapts himself to the  world: 8. ''The unreasonable one persists in  trying to adapt the world to himself.'' 9.Liberty means responsibility that is why,  most men dread it.'' 10.'' A nimals are my friends and i don't eat  my friends.'' 11.Better keep yourself clean and bright ;  you are the window through which you  must see the world.'' 12.'' Those who cannot