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Jeff Bezos । 5 Minutes for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

JEFF BEZOS SPEECH  H ow they want their work life to be  and i said look  if you can get your work life  to be where you enjoy half of it  that is amazing because very few people  ever achieve  that because the truth is everything  comes with overhead that's reality  everything comes with pieces that you  don't like you could be a supreme court  justice and there's still going to be  pieces of your job you don't like  every job comes with pieces you don't  like and we need to say  that's part of it  you have to figure out how to set up  your life in such a way that you can  happens to me  when i get over scheduled  i hate being over scheduled i want some  time to be able to think and free myself  we all have the same amount of time in  the world  nobody has more time than anybody else  and when you become a very successful  person  one of the things you start to get over  scheduled  so a young person starting their career  i think  there are probably a lot of th