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Showing posts from November, 2021

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YOU'VE GOT TO BE HUNGRY - Best Motivational Video, Hustle Quotes

MOTIVATIONAL WHATS APP STATUS QUOTES ii What's App short quote? What is the best caption for WhatsApp? What's App Status cute? English Quotes Status For Whatsapp ii Whats App quotes for status? Small Quotes | Famous Short Quotes and WhatsApp Statu


Wise Quotes From Ernest Hemingway on Betrayal, Happiness and Marriage | Aphorisms, Wise Thoughts

1.T here is no friend as loyal as a book. 2. I can't stand it to think my life is  going so fast and i'm not really living  it 3.There is nothing to writing all you do  is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.  4. Happiness in intelligent people is the  rarest thing i know. 5.You are so brave and quiet i forget you  are suffering. 6. T he most painful thing is losing  yourself in the process of loving  someone too much and forgetting that you  are special too. 7.My aim is to put down on paper what i  see and what i feel in the  best  and  simplest way. 8.The best way to find out if you can  trust somebody is to trust them. 9.Write hard and clear about what hurts. 10.There is nothing noble in being superior  to your fellow man  true nobility is being superior to your  former self. 11.Always do sober what you said you do  drunk that will teach you to keep your  mouth shut. 12.We would be together and have our books  and at night be warm in bed together  with the windows open and th


QUOTES 1. Be yourself,  everyone else is already taken. 2.''You've got to dance like there's nobody  watching,  love like you'll never be hurt,  sing like there's nobody listening  and live like it's heaven on earth. 3.''You only live once, but if you do it  right,  once is enough. 4.''Live as if you were to die tomorrow,  learn as if you were to live forever. 5.''Imperfection is beauty,  madness is genius  and it's better to be absolutely  ridiculous  than absolutely boring.'' 6.''There are only two ways to live your  life. O ne is as though nothing is a miracle. T he other is as though everything is a  miracle. 7.''Fairy tales are more than true : not because they tell us that dragons  exist,  but because they tell us that dragons  can be beaten.'' 8.''I have not failed. I 've just found ten thousand ways that  won't work.'' 9.The opposite of love is not hate,  it's ind

12 Quotes from MARK TWAIN that are Worth Listening To | Life-Changing Qu...

Excellent Quotes by Haruki Murakami That Open Your Eyes to Many Things in life...

Multi-Millionaire Explains His Simple Steps to Self-Made Success

Self-Made Success Actually being successful or like moving out of our mom's basement or whatever  we put so much energy and time into the presentation  of not looking like that situation  instead of putting the energy and time into actually  finding a solution to that issue. And so at that point  it was like okay I've been putting a lot of time and effort  trying to pretend things are good  instead of actually trying to find solutions  and then, that's when I started to  do everything I needed to do to try to make money and just really...  when I say embrace it's not necessarily like  accept it for what it is it's almost like, "Okay, this is real  I need to figure this out."  Taking your surroundings you take in the people around you  you see how they're making money  and I just didn't like begging people for money.  And so I respected the guys that were like figuring out hustles  right? And so,  for instance, there was an AMACO right down the stre

What Is The Price Of Success? — Elon Musk Speech

  ELON MUSK SPEECH ON SUCCESS reating a company is almost like having a child so it's sort of like how do you say your child  should not have food so one once you have the company you have to feed it and nurse it even if  it it ruins you i think when i was i don't know five or six or something i thought i was insane  it was just strange because it was clear that other people do not  their mind wasn't exploding with ideas it was like hmm and strange  i don't think i don't think you'd necessarily want to be me  it's very hard to turn it off it's like a never ending explosion all the time  you've said that this has been the toughest year for you the most sort of taxing year for you  like why 22 hours a day or like what i mean i was just working instead seven days a week  sleeping in the factory uh i worked everywhere from the i worked in the i was in the paint shop  general assembly body shop you ever worry about yourself  implodin